Selina Woodham is a Japanese-British wildlife and landscape artist based in Northern California. 

Selina’s childhood in rural Japan awakened her love for nature - where tranquil lakes, sentinel mountains and abundant wildlife filled her with both wonder and solace.

Her appreciation for the natural world grew stronger through childhood travels to remote corners of the world. From the vast steppes of Mongolia where she lived for days without electricity, to the breathtaking fjords of New Zealand where she became fascinated with endemic animals, Selina’s travels ignited a passion for remote landscapes and the animals that inhabit them.

Selina discovered painting in high school and received the Excellence in International Baccalaureate Art Award. After many years away from the easel, she recently returned to painting upon completing her Doctorate in Physical Therapy in 2022.

Selina’s current body of artwork focuses on raising awareness of vulnerable species. She was recently named a Finalist in the Sketch for Survival 2023 global art competition. The proceeds from the sale of her artwork were donated to Explorers Against Extinction - funding vital conservation projects across Africa and Peru.

When Selina is not caring for her patients, she can be found painting, hiking with her husband, and most likely eating!